Vestigial Science – The Appendix

Dear Friends, Cultural Creatives and Seekers Everywhere,
‘Tis the Season to be Jolly! … REALLY?
With Christmas season rapidly approaching the 25th of December, I have heard no hint of “Ho! Ho! Ho!” from the big jolly man in the red suit. World economic, social and political conditions have put a damper on “Joyeux Noël” (pardon my French).
This is particularly true for the citizens of the U.S.A. While societal conditions are crashing on a global scale, the U.S. population seems to be more severely affected than other societies. Perhaps this is a consequence of the adage: “The higher one flies, the greater is their fall.” Years ago, the U.S.A. was Number One in things that mattered. We had the world’s best economy and highest standard of living. The States had the best education and healthcare systems, and its technology was second to none.
Unfortunately, the U.S.A. today is still number one, however on a list of radically different traits. We are now the No.1 Western nation regarding having the largest imprisoned population, a massive healthcare crisis, an extraordinarily impoverished middle and lower class, and debt levels that could even choke the top-hatted Mr. Monopoly.
The chaos of a planet no longer capable of supporting civilization’s current lifestyle demands is challenging life all around the globe. In the last half of this year, my career has taken me to Europe three times, visiting several countries including Belgium, Ireland, Denmark, Switzerland, England, Greece, Italy, Spain, and most recently, Argentina and Uruguay in South America.
Each of these nations is facing radical cultural upheaval. However, all expressed a fundamental character I find missing in the States … HOPE, for a better future. Rather than fearing the future, these nations are excited about transforming their culture into a higher level of evolution. That was truly apparent in Switzerland where 10,000 people attended a two-day conference on consciousness and spirituality.
Unlike my Stateside audiences of more elderly attendees, in South America my full-house audiences were filled with exuberant “young” people (for the octogenarian I am, that means attendees under 50 years of age). Their enthusiasm for a better way of life was clearly palpable during my presentations. What was more exciting was when I visited several organizations wherein the “young” participants were over the top enthusiastic about their collective efforts to tend to the Garden and restore the planet’s natural habitats. The history of South American cultures is steeped in their close relationship with their family, their land and their more pristine natural environments. These young people personally perceive their mission is to support the rising Condor while the Eagle is in freefall. The “South” (i.e., countries in the southern hemisphere) is on the road to becoming the planet’s future economic powerhouse.
On a personal level, one of the most amazing experiences of evolution I had experienced was in Argentina. I was, to say the least, blown-away by the reality that a medical school in Buenos Aries is teaching a course based on “The Biology of Belief.” Out from the control by the American Medical Association and the pharmaceutical industry, Argentinian doctors are free to employ whatever practices they find to be most effective. I had the wonderful opportunity to meet with several doctors who base their practice on the principles espoused in The Biology of Belief! One doctor I spent time with is head of a local hospital and its chief surgeon. He revealed that all residents working in his hospital must read The Biology of Belief before they are allowed to practice there. All these “new” practitioners forgo prescribing pharmaceuticals in lieu of helping their patients by facilitating changes in lifestyle and consciousness. The Biology of Belief is coming of age, and that reality is bringing the “Ho! Ho! Ho!” back into my Holiday season!
While it may look “dark outside” please remember this scientific fact (it’s not rocket science!): If we focus our attention on the “dark side” then all we will experience is life’s dark side. So … as we enter the New Year, we must refocus our efforts toward the positive evolution of creating community and living in harmony with our environment.

Happy Holidays, with Peace, Love, and wishes for your Personal Empowerment.,

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