Pure Human - Bruce Lipton & Gregg Braden

Pure Human – Bruce Lipton & Gregg Braden


Vestigial Science - "Junk" DNA

Vestigial Science – “Junk” DNA


Vestigial Science - The Appendix

Vestigial Science – The Appendix

http://www.brucelipton.com Dear Friends, Cultural Creatives and Seekers Everywhere, β€˜Tis the Season to be Jolly! … REALLY? With Christmas season rapidly approaching the 25th of December, I have heard no hint of β€œHo! Ho! Ho!” from the big jolly man in…

Having Fun with Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. - Video Newsletter Highlights

Having Fun with Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. – Video Newsletter Highlights

http://www.brucelipton.com It is Alex, your friendly neighborhood video shaman yet again, filling in for Uncle Bruce as he is on the road doing great work sharing the story of self-empowerment around the world. We live in tumultuous times, and as…

Lugares Parasitados. 🏒🏚️

Lugares Parasitados. 🏒🏚️

#taygetanews #taygeta #taygetan #taygeteanos #gf #fg #sadicleya #tolekanews #toleka #spacenews #noticiasespaciales #space #extraterrestre #extraterrestrial #et #m45 #pleyadianos #pleyades #pleiadians #pleiades #federaciongalactica #federaciondeplanetasunidos #galacticfederation #ufop #unitedfederationofplanets #federacionunidadeplanetas #viera #federation #federacion #swaruunians #swaruunianas #swaruu #mariswa #swaruuoferra #swaruudeerra #yazhi #yazhiswaruu #swaruuofficial #swaruuoficial #sadicleya…

Evolution Begins With You - Excerpts from Bruce's IG and TikTok!

Evolution Begins With You – Excerpts from Bruce’s IG and TikTok!


The Truth About Diet - Food is Fun

The Truth About Diet – Food is Fun


The Seven Hermetic Principles

The Seven Hermetic Principles


Technology and why I cannot share More Details.  (English) πŸ’»πŸŒπŸ“‘πŸš€πŸ›Έ

Technology and why I cannot share More Details. (English) πŸ’»πŸŒπŸ“‘πŸš€πŸ›Έ

#alien #uap #disclosure #astral #starseeds #exopolitics #taygeta #mariswaruu #swaruu #toleka #pleiadian #metaphysics #exopolitics #extraterrestrial #galacticfederation This information can be seen as science fiction or however the viewers see best, but I take my information very seriously. Originally written in British…

Bruce Lipton on Dune  - Water is Life

Bruce Lipton on Dune – Water is Life

http://www.brucelipton.com NASA scientists have established that there is water on the moon. Yea! Who cares? The reason is profoundly important for the future of space exploration. Besides oxygen, the fundamental requirement for human life is water. This month’s video (input…