Having Fun with Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. – Video Newsletter Highlights


It is Alex, your friendly neighborhood video shaman yet again, filling in for Uncle Bruce as he is on the road doing great work sharing the story of self-empowerment around the world.

We live in tumultuous times, and as Uncle Bruce often points out, the crises that we face are necessary in order for evolution to occur. Consciousness is a very powerful thing, especially when it comes to how we use it. Where we place our attention, and our focus…that is where our consciousness begins to manifest into reality.

There are so many corporate entities, individuals, and more deeply, a field of thought that exists solely to exploit and distract our consciousness away from the things that really matter in this world. The most important thing we can recognize now is the power of community. The forces of exploitation identify community as its biggest threat, so it is vital that we build the foundation of our community on the things that we all have in common, versus the things that we don’t see eye to eye on.

These things are very simple – the air that we breathe, the water we drink, the food that we eat, the land that we stand on, and most importantly, the freedom that exists inherently within every human being. Uncle Bruce describes in his lectures about how our beliefs shape our reality, and in his book Spontaneous Evolution there is an even greater story about how our culture itself has beliefs, that shape the society we live in.

As we live and breathe, our cultural beliefs are shifting dramatically. We can liken this to a cocoon phase where the organism of a caterpillar is evolving into the organism of a butterfly – it is a time of great transformation in our consciousness. In this time, it is important to notice where we put our attention and focus because that will determine our reality.

This month, November 2024, is the time of Thanksgiving – a time of gratitude. Let us bring our attention to the things, people, and experiences we are most grateful for. One of the most effective ways to feel gratitude and remember our core principles of common purpose is through laughter. Uncle Bruce and I have continued to laugh together and find humor in these times, and we aim to share this joy with educational and entertaining videos. We like to call it “edu-tainment”.

Sometimes learning about the shifting tides of consciousness can have the gravity and tone of the movie “The Matrix”, a dark sci-fi film. But Uncle Bruce and I are very serious about injecting comedy and laughter into the story because otherwise, what is the point? We came here to experience life and to learn how to truly live in harmony with nature, and now, more than ever, we need not take ourselves so seriously as we integrate all these evolving understandings.

It is a great honor to be part of this community, and I am so grateful to be present with all of you as we shift our consciousness and laugh about the fact that life is but a dream, and that we are becoming ever more lucid to create the dream that we want in our lives today.

Peace Up!
Alex Lipton

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