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▶INSTAGRAM: @BruceLipton
▶FACEBOOK: Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D
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In Game of Thrones, “Winter is coming” implies that doom, destruction and death will blow into the lives of its characters. The same “winter” symbolism was also expressed in the opening line of Shakespeare’s Richard III, wherein Richard, Duke of York, forewarns, ”Now is the winter of our discontent.” This is the same ominous warning provided in the Game of Thrones: “Winter” is a metaphor to emphasize a dark and cold season wherein danger and even death may await. “Winter” also implies that one should always be prepared for inevitable dark periods that occur in life.
Humanity is already experiencing that metaphoric “winter.” Consider the devastating effects of climate change, ranging from melting ice caps and glaciers to extreme crop destroying drought and polar vortex events that have dropped temperatures in the U.S. Midwest to lows seen on the planet Mars. Make no mistake, climate change is the defining crisis of our age.
Let us not forget that crisis ignites evolution. With the dire circumstances we find ourselves in today, in regard to climate change and mass extinction, humanity is given an opportunity to arise and express its fullest potential as a species. We can rise to the challenge, work together, and restore balance to Mother Nature … it is our moral duty and profound personal responsibility.
Video Produced & Edited by: Alex Lipton – The Video Shaman