Placebo Man - Bruce Lipton - The Healing Power of Belief

Placebo Man – Bruce Lipton – The Healing Power of Belief 🔴URGENT: YouTube won’t show you my NEW videos UNLESS you 🔔 TURN ON MY NOTIFICATIONS🔔 🔴SUBSCRIBE ➤ SAY HI TO ME ON SOCIAL ▶INSTAGRAM: @BruceLipton ▶FACEBOOK: Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D ▶TWITTER: @biologyofbelief In Newtonian Physics, the Universe is divided…

Bruce Lipton - Better Living Through Chemistry with Dr. Funk, Pharmaceutical Grand Poohbah

Bruce Lipton – Better Living Through Chemistry with Dr. Funk, Pharmaceutical Grand Poohbah ++Learn how to reprogram your Subconscious Beliefs! Subscribe to this newsletter! Dr. Bruce Lipton as the Mad Scientist Dr. Funk shares the reality of how our brain chemistry affects behavior.