The Matrix  - A TRUE STORY

The Matrix – A TRUE STORY 🔴URGENT: YouTube won’t show you my NEW videos UNLESS you 🔔 TURN ON MY NOTIFICATIONS🔔 🔴SUBSCRIBE ➤ SAY HI TO ME ON SOCIAL ▶INSTAGRAM: @BruceLipton ▶FACEBOOK: Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D ▶TWITTER: @biologyofbelief We have been programmed by the ‘conventional…

The Illusion of Time with Dr. Bruce H. Lipton

The Illusion of Time with Dr. Bruce H. Lipton The right brain senses time in the present moment and uses creativity, the left brain perceives time in terms of past and future and uses logic, and we are caught in the middle. As far as consciousness is concerned,…

How Bruce Lipton met Rob Williams

How Bruce Lipton met Rob Williams

An interview with Bruce Lipton and Rob Williams- Segment 1 of the project entitled “Perception 16501” the bridge between science and spirt.