Angelina Jolie – The Biology of Belief
www.brucelipton.com Perception News: Episode 8 – Subscribe to this Newsletter! The power of belief has profound effects on our behavior and genetic expression. Research in the field of Behavioral Epigenetics provides insight into how we can become empowered, and rise…

A New Look at Physics with Dr. Bruce H. Lipton
www.brucelipton.com In this excerpt from a lecture on The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth, Dr. Lipton goes into Newtonian Physics vs. Quantum Physics. Join Bruce as he discusses how science uncovered smaller and smaller building blocks…

Bruce Lipton – The Honeymoon Effect
Working on the latest book entitled, “The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Peace on Earth. Please check out Ode Magazine for the latest article, and tune in on June 15th for a presentation in San Francisco presented by Ode…