Bruce Lipton - Money and Energy

Bruce Lipton – Money and Energy

Subscribe to this news letter! Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D. relates the use of a checkbook with the biological process. The human body is equipped with molecules known as ATP, which act as form of currency amongst the cells. Music by:…

Bruce Lipton - Active Creators

Bruce Lipton – Active Creators

Thanks for tuning in and contributing to the new understanding in biology!

Bruce Lipton - Fear and Deception

Bruce Lipton – Fear and Deception

Ask Dr. Funk – Episode 2 From Edgar Diem, The E. Coli Outbreak movement is reaching its peak here in Europe. Is there an agenda to spread fear in order to boost buisness for the pharmaceutical industry? We have seen…

Bruce Lipton - Catching on to Epigenetics

Bruce Lipton – Catching on to Epigenetics

From Cristina Johnson Ask Dr. Funk – Episode 1 Hi Bruce. What is it that’s keeping society from “catching on” to the new biology? I mean, is it lack of exposure to Epigenetics and the power of energy? Or is…

Bruce Lipton - Rimini, Italy 2011

Bruce Lipton – Rimini, Italy 2011

The Biology of Belief: The Scient of Personal and Global Transformation Sat-Sun, Oct 1-2, 2011 : 5pm , Rimini Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D. in Rimini, Italy. Sat., Oct. 1, 5-8 pm; Sun., Oct. 2, 9:30-5 pm. For registration and complete…

Bruce Lipton talks about Charles Darwin

Bruce Lipton talks about Charles Darwin

How do you feel about Charles Darwin? There is an interesting story unbeknownst to the general public about how Charles Darwin became the icon for evolution that he is today. There are some other important figures worth discussing.

Bruce Lipton - Evolution or Extinction?

Bruce Lipton – Evolution or Extinction?

What is a possible cause for spontaneous evolution? Dr. Bruce H. Lipton discusses how crisis ignites evolution.

Bruce H Lipton 2010

Bruce H Lipton 2010

Dr. Bruce H. Lipton comments on the past 10 years, and shares his thoughts about what is to come next.

Dr. Bruce H. Lipton on the Swine Flu

Dr. Bruce H. Lipton on the Swine Flu

Fear and the Swine Flu, are they related? Do we need a vaccine to protect us, or are we capable of healing ourselves by maintaing our immune system?