Star Trek and The 6th Mass Extinction – Bruce Lipton, The Prime Directive
www.brucelipton.com Captain Bruce Lipton of the USS Evolution beams to earth in order to teach human kind about the nature of belief and the emerging science of epigenetics.

Bruce Lipton on Positive Thinking and the Placebo Effect
www.brucelipton.com Belief is a powerful thing, especially when it comes to drinking poison! Believing in something is like being pregnant, either you are pregnant or you aren’t… there is no such thing as half pregnant. Join Dr. Lipton in this…

The Directed Actions of Chaos – Bruce Lipton – Network Tribute
www.brucelipton.com Chaos is wonderful! Join Dr. Lipton and learn about how Cymatics can teach us about our experience on earth. We are moving into the future, breaking down the old structure of consciousness and simultaneously building a new structure which…

Bruce Lipton – Better Living Through Chemistry with Dr. Funk, Pharmaceutical Grand Poohbah
www.brucelipton.com ++Learn how to reprogram your Subconscious Beliefs! brucelipton.com/other-resources#belief-change Subscribe to this newsletter! Dr. Bruce Lipton as the Mad Scientist Dr. Funk shares the reality of how our brain chemistry affects behavior.

Of Wizards, Jedi, and Urgent Matters – Dr. Bruce Lipton
www.brucelipton.com Subscribe to this newsletter!

Bruce Lipton – Transforming Perceptions – The Adrenal System
www.brucelipton.com SUBSCRIBE TO THIS NEWSLETTER! Join Dr. Lipton on a vision quest into a possible future, where military and defense organizations focus primarily on facilitating peace and mobility.

Waking Up From The Matrix with Dr. Bruce Lipton
www.brucelipton.com Join Dr. Lipton in sharing the truth about the reality of how our subconscious programs can be rewritten.

Wisdom of the Force – Jedi Master Bruce Lipton on Quantum Physics
www.brucelipton.com – Dr. Bruce Lipton returns from a long time ago, in a galaxy far away to deliver an important message to you!

Questions and Answers with Dr. Bruce Lipton
www.brucelipton.com Join up, and become a member on brucelipton.com Exclusive content monthly!