Bruce Lipton and Organic India - Mission to Heal The Ganges River

Bruce Lipton and Organic India – Mission to Heal The Ganges River Perception News: Episode 9 – Subscribe to this Newsletter! Join Dr. Bruce H. Lipton, Margaret Horton, Bharat and Bhavani Lev founders of Organic India, and Pujya Swamiji of the Parmarth Niketan Ashram in taking serious action to cleanse our…

The Illusion of Time with Dr. Bruce H. Lipton

The Illusion of Time with Dr. Bruce H. Lipton The right brain senses time in the present moment and uses creativity, the left brain perceives time in terms of past and future and uses logic, and we are caught in the middle. As far as consciousness is concerned,…

Bruce Lipton - The Cell Membrane

Bruce Lipton – The Cell Membrane The cell membrane is the “brain” of the cell. It functions as an interface between the inner and outer worlds of the cell. It is a liquid crystal semi conductor with gates and channels, using its natural charge to…

Angelina Jolie - The Biology of Belief

Angelina Jolie – The Biology of Belief Perception News: Episode 8 – Subscribe to this Newsletter! The power of belief has profound effects on our behavior and genetic expression. Research in the field of Behavioral Epigenetics provides insight into how we can become empowered, and rise…

A New Look at Physics with Dr. Bruce H. Lipton

A New Look at Physics with Dr. Bruce H. Lipton In this excerpt from a lecture on The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth, Dr. Lipton goes into Newtonian Physics vs. Quantum Physics. Join Bruce as he discusses how science uncovered smaller and smaller building blocks…

The Honeymoon Effect - The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth

The Honeymoon Effect – The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth Perception News: Episode 7 Subscribe to this newsletter! Can you look back and remember a time when you feel head-over-heels in love with somebody and ask yourself this question: Were you healthy? Unlocking the subconscious mind to reprogram beliefs…

Bruce Lipton - Spontaneous Evolution Update 2013

Bruce Lipton – Spontaneous Evolution Update 2013 Perception News: Episode 6 Subscribe to this newsletter! Into 2013 we can let go of the limiting beliefs and myth perceptions. It is time to create inner peace for ourselves and the planet as a whole. Started feeling concern…

Bruce Lipton - 2012, Evolution, Cooperation - Patch Adams

Bruce Lipton – 2012, Evolution, Cooperation – Patch Adams Perception News: Episode 5 Subscribe to this newsletter! The world is a great state of flux. Crisis ignites evolution, and the mass extinction event we face is our greatest opportunity to create a new world. We are the solution…

Bruce Lipton - You Are What You Eat

Bruce Lipton – You Are What You Eat Perception News: Episode 4 Subscribe to this news letter! Dr. Bruce H. Lipton shares with us the findings of an article that explains the nature of micro RNA’s, and their role in our biology. Food is thought to break…

How Bruce Lipton met Rob Williams

How Bruce Lipton met Rob Williams

An interview with Bruce Lipton and Rob Williams- Segment 1 of the project entitled “Perception 16501” the bridge between science and spirt.